Friday, 12 December 2014

Grasshopper II Rebuild

I recently bid and won on a Lunchbox & Grasshopper II.

Both are vintage originals so i thought I would start on the GH2 whilst I wait to get some original stickers for the Hornet.

As you can see by the picture below it was in a bit of a state and had no rear axle.
So that and a bearing kit were a required purchase.

Whilst waiting for them to arrive I stripped the chassis down and started cleaning up the parts.  And rusty metal parts were put in clear vinegar for a couple of days.

Unfortunately the previous owner had chosen to paint the wheels black.  Even worse was they hadn't used acrylic paint like they had on the driver.  A dip in brake fluid stripped the driver down really well.  But the wheels were a b!tch!

Unable to find any replacements I persevered as much as I could but had to result to spraying them white in the end.  Not ideal but as you can see alot better than they were.

The scrubbed up fronts and the rears before I started on them.

 The fronts after being sprayed white.

Whilst working on the wheels (rears took ALOT of work) the axle and bearings arrived so I could continue with the build.  
This was a nice simple project ahead of the one I am really looking forward to ...The Lunchbox!!! :)



  1. Nice Job on both Steven! I have done a Gh 1+2 and hornet over the last few months all vintage apart from GH shell. All I want is a new set of OG tyres for the GH2 cant find them anywhere.
    lookforward to the LB

  2. Hey Andy, thanks!
    I really struggled with a set of GH2 wheels. Some parts are just so hard to come across!
    That said I have finally got my hands on some vintage Hornet stickers at a good price so I am working on that now whilst I wait for some parts for my LB.
