Wednesday, 4 February 2015

Finished Hornet

I have finally had a chance to sit down with the Hornet and get the decals done.
As mentioned before these are the Original Hornet Stickers so needed to be cut to shape.

It took a little while but I'm really pleased with the end result.  So here we go!

Doing all the stickers took a couple of sittings.  Purely for my sanity!  But I got there in the end.  
The last stage was painting the silver strip alongside the side windows, I often see Vintage Hornet's that haven't had this done!  So the next set of pics marks the end of this restore.  Thanks for reading!

Monday, 19 January 2015

Hornet Stickers & LB Update

I have finally found some reasonably priced Original Hornet stickers. :)
I have started work on applying these and will take some pics as I do.

The LB restore has begun, I'm going a little different with this one though.
It came with some of the Silver Plated Midnight Pumpkin wheels and the previous owner had added the 3rd shock mod to the back.

So for starters I have improved on his work and put the same shocks all round so that it all matches and fits in with the 'Metallic' Theme.  I'll continue this with the body in some way but using original stickers.  But more to come on that as I progress.